fimbriatus occupying high elevation (3800-4000 M) caves in the Yasin Vally of northern Pakistan but evidence of this may be circumstantial.Įoglaucomys fimbriatus mainly utilizes tree cavities for nesting in a variety of deciduous and coniferous tree species, but especially Himalayan elm ( Ulmus wallichiana), Asian maple ( Acer caesium), Himalayan yew ( Taxus wallichiana), and deodar cedar ( Cedrus deodara). There have been some presumed occurrences of E. fimbriatus has also been described as occupying drier coniferous forests as well as man-made structures.
( Roberts, 1977 Shafique, et al., 2009 Zahler, 1998)Įoglaucomys fimbriatus generally resides in the Himalayas between 18 m in elevation and within moist temperate forests containing a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees. Eoglaucomys fimbriatus will move to lower elevation regions of its habitat during winter and are a common squirrel species in the Himalayan forests.
Specifically it is endemic to the Kashmir and Punjab regions along the Himalayas where it resides in moist temperate forests. The Kashmir flying squirrel ( Eoglaucomys fimbriatus) is broadly characterized as inhabiting landscapes ranging through eastern Afganistan, northern Pakistan, and northern India.